About Kids4Kids

The promotion of the entrepreneurial spirit among the youth is essential for the future of Hong Kong. It's great to see the way Kids4kids' Action of a Cause effectively seeds these ideas among youth from various backgrounds.

Theodore Ma, Founder of CoCoon

About Kids4Kids

Kids4Kids is a Hong Kong based non-profit organisation registered in 2010 to inspire young people in Hong Kong to take action and make positive social impact in community.



Kids4Kids envisions a future where all young people are empowered to make positive contributions to society.



Kids4Kids ignites the power of kids to develop social responsibility, take positive action and inspire other kids to make the world a better place. We provide all young people equal opportunities to acquire important skills and values to develop stronger connection with the community.

The Advocates Leadership Team is a group of youth volunteers chosen each year from local and international secondary schools to work together on Kids4Kids projects. The team provides students with the opportunity to develop their organizational, planning and leadership skills, while learning to manage projects from their conception and execution to impact measurement and reflection. The team is responsible for organizing Kids4Kids events including the annual Sharing for a Cause collection drive each May, the Powered By Youth Forum, and other events throughout the year. Since 2010, there has been over 100 advocates. For more information, contact advocates@kids4kids.org.hk.

Application for Advocates Leadership Team 2018-2019 has closed. The application for the team 2019-2020 will open in May, 2019.
